Welcomed a new life in Makerfield?

New born babies don’t stay little for long, so many people like professional photographs of this brief life stage.

Whether your baby is new born or a couple of weeks old, consider Paul Nemeth’s fun and creative photography.

At Paul Nemeth Photography, we love taking baby photos that capture the charm and cheekiness of your little one. We will capture your baby’s budding personality, whether in our ‘cake smash’ photographs or in endearing portraits to treasure for a lifetime. Photographs comes with a range of different backgrounds, according to your tastes, and will delight both you and the wider family.

Babies comes out with many amusing expressions, which will be captured in a series of affordable and highly professional looking portraits. You can choose for a studio setting or a more natural, homely atmosphere with a choice of throws or superimposed backgrounds.

These new born/baby pictures are ideal for birthdays or merely as a rite of passage, and are perfect for your family album or hanging on the wall. They’re guaranteed to be a talking point for visitors and will make you smile for many years to come.

Why not see our past baby photos here?